Global Arena Research Institute
data & analytics
speed, precision and unprecedented complexity

GARI is pioneering the organic interconnection of leading-edge computing technologies and socio-economic and political analysis. Our signature digital twin of the global environment allows unprecedented understanding and foresight of global and local processes of economy, trade, politics, defence, society, energy, environment and much more.


Price development in plastics, metals, agriculture, and chemical industries - which commodities do you need to know the prices of?
Weekly, monthly or quarterly price projections for the next 18 months - models with over 90% accuracy

GARI published 10 internal conceptual research papers around the topics of the green energy transition
Supported by the International Visegrad Fund and KAS, GARI has published 10 papers focusing on:
Material Dependencies and Supply Chain Resilience in EU Military Technology Development
Digital Entrepreneurship and gender in Europe
Rare Earth materials
Electromobility, Supply chains and Dependencies
See all by clicking below:

Next 100 Symposium 2024 Berlin!
In May 2024, the Next 100 Symposium took place in Berlin, bringing together top experts to discuss vital current topics such as the green energy transition, evolving global disorder, trade realities, and the future of fundamental science. Notable speakers included Jiri Sedivy, Director of the European Defence Agency, Hans Pung, President of RAND Europe, and Milena Roveda, CEO of Gauss Fusion.

Next-Gen Energy and Green Transition: Sustainable Future or Economic Stagnation?
Charting a Realistic Path Ahead in EU Energy and Green Agenda
Hosted at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Warsaw, with support from the International Visegrad Fund, this event addresses Europe's future energy and environmental policies. It tackles the conflict between supply security, affordability, and sustainability. Using advanced data analyses, we will assess past efforts and debate realistic, equitable policies to harmonize these competing priorities for the EU's future.

GARI will be hosting workshops and discussions across Central Europe!
Backed by the International Visegrad Fund GARI will host workshops about green energy policy in the EU and present these findings and host discussion.

GARI meets with N100 speaker Frederick Bordry in Geneva to visit CERN
Odessa and Michal visited N100 speaker and GARI board member Frederick Bodry in Geneva to talk about nuclear fusion, physics, the Big Bang, past & future of science and generally life, and the universe!
Frederick Bordry is CTO at Gauss Fusion and both he and the CEO Milena Roveda join us at the N100 in Berlin this May!

GARI attended KAS event in Berlin
Executive director Odessa Prius attended a dialogue program for young experts on security policy from Central and Eastern Europe!
The KAS dialogue program is intended to provide a broad group of participants from the countries of Eastern and Central Europe with insights into the status of the "Zeitenwende" in Germany and give them the opportunity to communicate perceptions and expectations from their home countries to their German counterparts – and to enter into dialogue with each other.

GARI was interviewed about the role of AI in Elections:
GARI’s Director of Research and Data Science Adriana Ilavská was one of 12 experts asked about how Artificial intelligence is entering elections! Read about it here👇

GARI attends the Jagriti Yatra Entrepreneurial Train Journey through India
Executive Director, Odessa Primus had the privilege to be a G20 delegate on the Jagriti Yatra entrepreneurial train journey around India during India’s G20 Presidency, sharing two weeks with 70 other international G20 delegates and 450 Indian participants on a train.

Interview with GARI Founder
Interview of GARI's founder for Forbes Česko (in Czech) about expectations for the year 2024 Michal Kořan has been drawing attention to the interconnectedness and the risks associated with globalization for a long time. In an interview for Forbes, he elaborates on what threats and opportunities we can expect from this year.

GARI partners with Aspen Institute Conference 2023
Global Arena Research Institute partnered with Aspen Institute Central Europe in preparing a robust study on digitalization of micro- and small enterprices which serves as a background for the fourth panel "Digitalization" How to help small enterprises" with excellent speakers, like Vera Jourova, Tania le Moigne, Tomáš Prouza and more.

GARI attended the EVE Summit in Berlin
The Berlin Summit initiated an ambitious cycle of planning leading up to the 28th COP. EVE (Earth Virtualisation Engines) responds to the need to help vulnerable communities and sectors anticipate the consequences of climate change and thereby protect lives and livelihoods.

Policy Discussion: European meta-strategic uncertainty: where is the silver lining?
June 13, Czech Banking Association
Welcome by Monika Zahálková, Executive Director & Jakub Seidler, Economic Analyst, Czech Banking Association; GARI research results by Founder Michal Kořan; First comments by Monika Ladmanová, Head of the European Commission's Representation in Prague; followed by an open discussion. Supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

GARI presentation at the CEE Sustainable Finance Summit
Executive Director Odessa Primus presented on "How to use a digital twin of the world to understand, predict and design globalisation at the CEE Sustainable Finance Summit in Prague in May 2023. https://www.ceesummit.org/#agenda

Policy Forum: Energy, Economy & Trade Transformations Central European perspective
Co-organised with the Prague office of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung GARI prepared the agenda and foresight workshop for representative think tanks, political parties and corporations from the Central European region. Research supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

Meeting with CDU Members of Parliament + Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Michal Koran spoke at a closed meeting of members of the CDU MoP Sepp Müller, Knut Abraham and Christian Hirte about the potential impact of global regionalisation (or deglobalisation) on European and regional politics, economics and business. 22. March 2023

New International Advisory Board Member - Jeffrey Saunders
Jeffrey Saunders is an
Expert in Strategic Futures Studies and Foresight, Executive Advisor, and Founder and CEO of Nordic Foresight

New International Advisory Board Member - Andrew Thompson
Andrew S. Thompson is adjunct assistant professor of political science at the University of Waterloo, senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, and the Global Governance Programs and Partnership Manager at the Balsillie School of International Affairs.

Conference - 22. June.
Our Security Cannot Be Taken For Granted (Naše bezpečnost není samozřejmost) Conference 2021. Michal Koran, President of Global Arena Research Institute, presented GARI insights on Covid-19 as a strategic shock in panel with General Aleš Opata Chief of the General Staff of the Czech Armed Forces.

Event - 22. April
GARI invites you to attend or watch back the European Vision for AI 2021 event. GARI Director Odessa Primus is moderating the breakout on "industry".

EU AI Regulation
GARI has made a briefing ready about the announcement on the 21st of April by the European Commission on Fostering a European approach to Artificial Intelligence. Prepared by Teodora Stirbat.

Grant success
GARI is proud to announce that it has been successful in getting a grant from TACR - the Czech Technological Agency for its project AID TWIGLOW budgeting at 8 million krouns.

idnes: Zašpuntovaný Suez ukázal zranitelnost námořní dopravy a Evropy, říká expert
Interview with GARI founder Michal Koran on the new Suez crisis.

ihned.cz: Pokropte to penězi, dokud to nevyroste. Polemika s Thomasem Pikettym
GARI has produced a comprehensive study on the Visegrad countries in Europe for the last 30 years covering the Finance & banking sectors, Economy, Business & regulatory environment & governance, Environment & Energy, Society: income, inequality, poverty, employment, demographics & education, Employment, Education, Demographics & Health, Trade & investment flows. They have been reflected in the Czech media.

Partner event
GARI & our partner BSIA, the Balsillie School of International Affairs, together with CIGI and other partners have met for the second time on AI Governance to discuss research areas to pursue. More content coming...

10toGo accelerator by Volkswagen and Microsoft inviting teams to tackle the SDGs with projects using data and AI. GARI and it's Executive Director Odessa Primus were invited as SDG experts helping 3 teams, one of which, Pina, won. This initiative is by Advisory Board member Patrick van der Smagt, Director of AI, Volkswagen Group

Continuing its series of important events and reports, previously welcoming guests from the UN high-level panel on Digital Cooperation, now GARI invites the creators of the Stanford HAI Global AI Index 2021. Listen to our podcast here or on your favourite app.

Job Carroll Henning, a GARI International Advisory Board Member and dear friend, passed away on February 23rd 2021 at the age of 48. He is survived by his wife Nino Japaridze and three children. He was a cherished friend and professional asset of the Global Arena Research Institute and our future was brighter because of him. He is dearly missed and in our memory.