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global, multilateral and EU-related measures to tackle COVID-19 and its consequences



15 July

Costa Rica: critical to stabilise public finances once recovery from Covid-19 crisis is consolidated, says OECD


Costa Rica is rightly focusing its efforts on combating the health, social and economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic with timely confinement measures as well as well-targeted and innovative economic support. Once the worst is past and a recovery is under way, it will be critical to stabilise public finances and improve spending efficiency to invigorate the recovery and maintain the economic and social gains of recent years, according to a new OECD report.

Costa Rica was invited to become the OECD’s 38th member in May, and is in the process of completing the relevant treaty ratification procedures to ensure the continuity and quality of joint work with the organisation in delivering the reforms identified in the Economic Survey as well as other post accession commitments.

9 July

Address ‘unprecedented’ impact of coronavirus on Latin America and the Caribbean, urges Guterres


As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the world, Latin America and the Caribbean have become a “hotspot of the pandemic”, the UN chief said on Thursday, releasing a new policy initiative on how best to recover in a region already embroiled in poverty, hunger, unemployment and inequality.

“The most vulnerable populations and individuals are once again being hit the hardest,” Secretary-General António Guterres said in a video message on the pandemic’s effect throughout a zone grappling with fragmented health services – even before the coronavirus.

It is projected that there will be a 9.1 per cent contraction in gross domestic product (GDP), which will be the largest in a century.

“I have called for a rescue and recovery package equivalent to more than 10 per cent of the global economy”, reminded the UN chief, underscoring the need of the international community to provide liquidity, financial assistance and debt relief for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Against the backdrop of pervasive inequality, accessible and comprehensive welfare systems must be developed, fair taxation systems created, decent jobs promoted, environmental sustainability strengthened, and social protection mechanisms reinforced, according to the UN chief.

The Secretary-General maintained that the root causes of inequality, political instability and displacement must be addressed, while underscoring that at a time when too many citizens feel excluded, “greater accountability and transparency are crucial”.

6 July

Secretary-General Warns Terrorists Are Exploiting COVID-19 Pandemic, Calls for Vigilance, at Virtual Counter-Terrorism Week Opening


UN Secretary-General António Guterres: “It is too early to fully assess the implications of COVID-19 on the terrorism landscape.  But we know that Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh), Al-Qaida and their regional affiliates — as well as neo‑Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups — seek to exploit divisions, local conflicts, governance failures and grievances to advance their objectives.

“ISIL is continuing its efforts to reassert itself in Iraq and Syria, while thousands of foreign terrorist fighters battle in the region, seek to engage in conflict elsewhere, or linger in temporary detention while their family members remain stranded.  The pandemic has also highlighted vulnerabilities to new and emerging forms of terrorism, such as misuse of digital technology, cyberattacks and bioterrorism.

“I would like to highlight five areas to guide our future actions in the field of counter-terrorism:


  1. “[W]e need to keep up the momentum in the fight against terrorism.  This includes continuing to invest in national, regional and global counter-terrorism capabilities, especially for countries most in need of assistance.

  2. “[W]e need to closely monitor evolving terrorist threats and evolving trends and be innovative in our responses.  That means ensuring we have the right technology, tools and concepts to stay ahead of terrorists.

  3. “[C]ounter-terrorism responses must always be gender‑sensitive — recognizing the violent misogyny at the heart of so many groups — and protect and promote human rights.  Counter-terrorism laws and security measures cannot be an excuse to shrink civic space, curtail freedom of association and deny other fundamental rights.

  4. “[W]e need to tackle the spread of terrorist narratives through pandemic-sensitive, holistic approaches.  Psychosocial, economic and political stresses associated with COVID-19 have risen dramatically.  Terrorists must not be allowed to exploit those fissures and fragilities.

  5. “[W]e need to strengthen information sharing to learn from the experiences and good practices of others in the COVID-19 security landscape.  The United Nations’ Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact framework has helped enhance coordination and coherence in the delivery of United Nations technical assistance and capacity-building to Member States.”

2 July

COVID-19 fast becoming protection crisis, Guterres warns Security Council


The COVID-19 pandemic is “profoundly affecting” peace and security across the globe, the Secretary-General told the Security Council on Thursday, pressing the 15-member body to use its collective influence to protect the millions of people either trapped in, or fleeing conflict, and already facing acute vulnerabilities.

“The health pandemic has fast become a protection crisis”, António Guterres warned.  With more than one billion children out of school, 135 million people facing starvation by year-end, and healthcare workers routinely being targeted by violence, "these wide-ranging risks require an urgent and united response.”

In some places, fragile peace processes could be derailed if the international community is distracted, he said.  In Sudan’s restive Darfur region, the pandemic has led to repeated extensions of the deadline for completing the Juba peace process.
Elsewhere, he said terrorist and violent extremist groups see the uncertainty created by the pandemic as a tactical advantage.  In Somalia, there is a risk that Islamist extremist group Al-Shabaab, could increase its attacks while security forces, by necessity, focus on the pandemic.

Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), said his organization sees first-hand how COVID-19 is deepening fragility, spiking humanitarian needs, accelerating the impact of violence in conflict and reversing hard-won development gains.

Sharing lessons for humanitarian response, he said international humanitarian law must be respected in order to protect civilians from pandemics.  Countries where health services are destroyed, stand little chance of fighting COVID-19.
Heiko Maas, Germany’s Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, underscored the urgent need for rapid and safe humanitarian access during the COVID-19 pandemic.  “The Council must finally embrace a broader understanding of peace and security” he said.

1 July

'Bold and creative’ solutions needed for a sustainable, post-pandemic economy


Unless the world acts now, the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying global recession, will trigger “years of depressed and disrupted economic growth”, the UN chief warned on Wednesday.

“The pandemic threatens not just to put the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on hold, but to reverse progress that has already been made”, Secretary-General António Guterres said. 

Mr. Guterres pointed out that developing countries face vastly increased demands for public spending “exactly at the same time” as tax and export revenues, inward investments and remittances, are plummeting. 

“As we craft a comprehensive global response, action on finance must be central”, underscored the UN chief. “If countries lack the financial means to fight the pandemic and invest in recovery, we face a health catastrophe and a painfully slow global recovery”.

According to the UN chief, “we need the insights and perspectives of all”, including “prominent and innovative” women economists, to create “inclusive, resilient and gender-equal societies” to address the climate crisis and other global challenges.

“We need concrete, radical and implementable solutions”, spelled out the Secretary-General, voicing hope that the series of roundtables will stimulate new ideas and “a totally different debate in relation to the classic ones we have witnessed in the recent past”.

1 July

Stalled Security Council resolution adopted, backing UN’s global humanitarian ceasefire call


Unanimously adopting resolution 2532 (2020) on Wednesday, the 15-member peace and security body demanded “a general and immediate cessation of hostilities in all situations, on its agenda.”

It also voiced its support for efforts by Secretary-General António Guterres – who first appealed for a global ceasefire on 23 March – towards that goal.

The unprecedented extent of the novel coronavirus pandemic “is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security”, it said, adding that it could also set back peacebuilding and development gains in countries emerging from conflict.

Through the resolution, the Council called upon all parties to armed conflicts to immediately engage in a “durable humanitarian pause” of at least 90 days, to enable the safe, unhindered and sustained delivery of lifesaving aid.

1 July

Coronavirus will cost global tourism at least $1.2 trillion | Conference on Trade and Development


The world’s tourism sector could lose at least $1.2 trillion, or 1.5% of the global gross domestic product (GDP), having been placed at a standstill for nearly four months due to the coronavirus pandemic, UNCTAD said in a report published on 1 July.

The UN’s trade and development body warned that the loss could rise to $2.2 trillion or 2.8% of the world’s GDP if the break in international tourism lasts for eight months, in line with the expected decline in tourism as projected by the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

UNCTAD estimates losses in the most pessimistic scenario, a 12-month break in international tourism, at $3.3 trillion or 4.2% of global GDP.

Developing countries could suffer the steepest GDP losses. Jamaica and Thailand stand out, losing 11% and 9% of GDP respectively in the most optimistic scenario of UNCTAD’s estimates. Other tourism hotspots such as Kenya, Egypt and Malaysia could lose over 3% of their GDP.

But the tourism sector in many rich nations will also feel the squeeze. Popular European and North American destinations, including France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the United States could lose billions of dollars due to the dramatic drop in international tourism, according to UNCTAD forecasts.

22 June

COVID and the Rule of Law: A dangerous Balancing Act


While the pandemic is first and foremost a public health crisis, we must not lose sight of related challenges that are consequential for containing this threat and for promoting a rapid and sustainable recovery. The struggle to uphold the rule of law is one of them.

The distribution of emergency aid, medical supplies, and economic stimuli provide ample opportunity for corruption and fraud. Without effective institutions that ensure transparency, accountability and oversight, much of it will not reach intended beneficiaries, deepening the social, medical and economic crisis and compromising and delaying recovery.  

The pandemic also provides opportunities for armed groups, including terrorist organizations, to discredit state institutions, exploit gaps in public services and capitalize on public outrage, for example over the closure of places of worship. As some security personnel face reduced operational capacity because of their unavoidable exposure to the virus and competing new responsibilities, some armed groups are consolidating and extending control over territory.

The United Nations has reacted quickly to provide immediate assistance to national rule of law and security institutions. For example, it has expanded police training in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other countries in promoting a human rights-based approach to COVID-19 related tasks. Together with partners, we have also developed practical tools to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in prisons, guidance to decongest prisons, and a manual for holding virtual court hearings. These materials are now being used around the globe.

This hands-on approach has resulted in improving the safety in prisons and the release of thousands of low-risks prisoners, including in Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, Haiti, Guinea Bissau and South Sudan. Peacekeepers have distributed emergency medical supplies, including to beneficiaries of disarmament programmes and to populations affected by armed groups, for example in Darfur and Mali, helping to build confidence among warring factions.

17 June

Battling COVID-19 misinformation hands-on


In such places as refugee camps where the availability of digital tools is limited, fighting rumours and myths about COVID-19 does not require sophisticated artificial intelligence. Refugees in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar use bicycles and loudspeakers to deliver accurate information door to door.

“I am so happy to play a role in my community by providing information around the camp during such a serious time,” said Mohammed Hasan, a Rohingya cyclist participating in the programme supported by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The initiative also aims to reach the refugee population not covered by the agency’s earlier project, dubbed the ‘COVID Info Line’ – a system that uses pre-recorded information and messaging through phone networks to share critical information in the refugees’ local language across the camp.

10 June

UN helps countries fight complacency as they reopen


With the COVID-19 pandemic receding in some countries and cities, the United Nations is working with Governments to fine-tune plans to reopen battered economies, warning that complacency and lifting “stay-at-home” orders and other restrictions too fast could invite a second wave of new cases.


The UN health agency urges people to continue to practice frequent handwashing, respiratory etiquette, physical distancing, and to stay home if they are unwell.


To date, there is no indication that the virus itself is becoming more easily transmitted or causing more severe disease, she said, stressing that it can, however, “become more dangerous as people grow tired” of keeping up with all the measures in place.


UN agencies have issued guidance on reopening.  WHO outlined six criteria for lifting restrictions: First, that transmission is controlled; second, that health system capacities are in place to detect, test, isolate and treat every case and trace every contact; third, that outbreak risks are minimized in special settings like health facilities and nursing homes; fourth, that preventive measures are in place in workplaces, schools and other places where it’s essential for people to go; fifth, that importation risks can be managed; and sixth, that communities are fully educated, engaged and empowered to adjust to the “new norm”.

5 June

An Inside Look: next steps towards ‘new normal’ in UN Headquarters


“The safety and health of UN personnel, delegates and all others on the premises is the number one priority. The physical return of personnel to the workplace will be in accordance with and will follow - not get ahead of - the loosening of restrictions by New York City and State.” – Atul Khare, Under-Secretary-General for Operational Support


The UN is gearing up for its return to normalcy in three phases:

  1. Only select activities will be allowed. Maximum occupancy at the Headquarters complex will be capped at 400 people a day which is only 10 percent of the usual occupancy. Staff needed to perform on-site functions will be expected to arrive wearing face masks, but without temperature checks requirements. 

  2. Building occupancy will gradually increase to a maximum 1,100 personnel a day at the Headquarters complex, or about 40 percent of normal levels.  

  3. Which is called a ‘new normal’ phase would take place when workplace risks are reduced to pre-epidemic levels, and COVID-19 related restrictions are lifted by New York City and State, including those that will allow for the reopening of day - care services and public schools. The Department of Operational Support says it is still too early to outline the work modalities that will be in place under this phase.

“COVID-19 has changed the way we live, work and interact,” Under-Secretary-General Khare says. “But we are resilient, and together we can navigate through this while maintaining physical distancing of course.”

3 June

‘The COVID crisis is an opportunity to reimagine human mobility’. Policy Brief on the impact of Covid-19 on refugees


COVID-19 continues to devastate lives and livelihoods around the globe — hitting the most vulnerable the hardest. 

This is particularly true for millions of people on the move — such as refugees and internally displaced persons who are forced to flee their homes from violence or disaster, or migrants in precarious situations. Now they face three crises rolled into one:

  1. [A] health crisis — as they become exposed to the virus, often in crowded conditions where social distancing is an impossible luxury — and where basics such as health care, water, sanitation and nutrition are often hard to find.

  2. [P]eople on the move face a socio-economic crisis — especially those working in the informal economy without access to social protection.

  3. [P]eople on the move face a protection crisis.

The COVID-19 crisis is an opportunity to reimagine human mobility. Four core understandings must guide the way:

  1. [E]xclusion is costly and inclusion pays.  An inclusive public health and socio-economic response will help suppress the virus, restart our economies and advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

  2. [W]e must uphold human dignity in the face of the pandemic and learn from the handful of countries that have shown how to implement travel restrictions and border controls while fully respecting human rights and international refugee protection principles.

  3. [N]o-one is safe until everyone is safe.  Diagnostics, treatment and vaccines must be accessible to all.

  4. [P]eople on the move are part of the solution.  Let us remove unwarranted barriers, explore models to regularize pathways for migrants and reduce transaction costs for remittances.

29 MAY

Sharing tools to fight COVID-19 'the best shot the world has' - WHO  briefing

World Health Organization media briefing 29 May with updates on COVID-19.

New COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) will make vaccines, tests, treatments and other innovations created to fight COVID-19 accessible to all.

Thirty-five governments have signed up to a global 'COVID-19 Technology Access Pool' (C-TAP) to share intellectual property on a voluntary basis and increase equitable access to important technologies and treatments.


The initiative has five priorities:


  • Public disclosure of gene sequencing research.

  • Public disclosure of all clinical trial results.

  • Encouraging governments and research funders to include clauses in contracts with pharmaceutical companies about equitable distribution and publication of trial data.

  • Licensing treatments and vaccines to large and small producers.

  • Promoting open innovation models and technology transfer that increase local manufacturing and supply capacity.

24 MAY

The world can only contain COVID-19 if every person has access to accurate, reliable information. That’s down to all of us. Verified is our new initiative to encourage everyone to check the advice we share.

Verified is an initiative of the United Nations, in collaboration with Purpose, to provide content that cuts through the noise to deliver life-saving information, fact-based advice and stories from the best of humanity.

By promoting and sharing Verified content, everyday people can play a crucial role in the work of Verified by spreading reliable information about COVID-19 to their friends, families and social networks, with the goal of saving lives and countering misinformation. Organisations, businesses, civil society and media platforms partner with Verified to spread information that helps protect people, communities and forges connections across the planet.

20 MAY

UN Middle East peace envoy warns against unilateral action on all sides, as Israel threatens West Bank annexation

The UN’s Middle East peace envoy issued a stern warning on Wednesday against any unilateral action – including an Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank – that could undermine diplomatic efforts to get Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table.

Council plea

  • He urged the Council to join Secretary-General António Guterres in his call against unilateral action, noting that recent opinion polls indicate that the Israeli public is split on the annexation question.

  • He also urged the Middle East Quartet – comprising the Russian Federation, United States, European Union and United Nations – to quickly come up with a proposal that would enable it to take up its mediation role, and work jointly with countries in the region to advance prospects for peace.

Everyone must do their part


  • “Israel must abandon threats of annexation”, he added, “and the Palestinian leadership must re-engage with all members of the Quartet.  Everybody must do their part.”

  • For the moment, the situation on the ground remains dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, with Palestinian and Israeli authorities – despite growing political tensions – continuing to coordinate their efforts to limit the spread of the deadly virus while also carefully reopening economic life, Mr. Mladenov said.

  • However, while Palestinians are experiencing the same shock and uncertainty as the rest of the globe, their Government – the Palestinian Authority - cannot respond with the same agency as an independent and sovereign country, he noted.

19 may

Syria: UN relief chief appeals for renewal of lifesaving cross-border aid operation

The UN’s top aid official has urged the Security Council to renew a mechanism that provides lifesaving assistance to millions of desperate people in northwest Syria, through cross-border deliveries from Turkey.

Humanitarian Coordinator Mark Lowcock made the appeal on Tuesday during a virtual briefing to ambassadors in which he outlined the pressing need to keep the trucks rolling, amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

UN boosts COVID-19 support


  • Meanwhile, the UN is supporting COVID-19 preparedness and response across Syria, where the authorities have so far confirmed 58 cases and three fatalities. While none have been in the northwest, the region remains at high risk of an outbreak.

  • The UN is also boosting efforts to expand testing capacity and case investigation, as well as infection prevention and control.

  • Although a UN humanitarian fund has already dispersed some $23 million for preventative measures, Mr. Lowcock said significant shortages in personal protective equipment and other medical items remain.

  • The UN Secretary-General recently called for the waiver of sanctions that could impede countries’ efforts to beat back the pandemic: a message echoed by his Special Envoy for Syria, who briefed the Council on Monday.

  • Mr. Lowcock has welcomed commitments to apply humanitarian exceptions to these measures.

8 & 11 MAY

COVID-19: UN counters pandemic-related hate and xenophobia | IOM | 8 May

Secretary-General António Guterres launches the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech:
ANTÓNIO GUTERRES: "We must act now to strengthen the immunity of our societies against the virus of hate"


COVID-19 does not care who we are, where we live, what we believe or about any other distinction.  We need every ounce of solidarity to tackle it together.  Yet the pandemic continues to unleash a tsunami of hate and xenophobia, scapegoating and scare-mongering.

Anti-foreigner sentiment has surged online and in the streets. Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories have spread, and COVID-19-related anti-Muslim attacks have occurred.  Migrants and refugees have been vilified as a source of the virus -- and then denied access to medical treatment.  With older persons among the most vulnerable, contemptible memes have emerged suggesting they are also the most expendable.  And journalists, whistleblowers, health professionals, aid workers and human rights defenders are being targeted simply for doing their jobs.


As instances of hate speech, stigma, discrimination and xenophobia continue to rise as a result of COVID-19, the United Nations and its partners are working to ensure that solidarity prevails during the pandemic.  Migrants and refugees are among those who have falsely been blamed and vilified for spreading the virus.

To tackle this head-on, community health workers at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) immediately started making phone calls to returned migrants, checking in on their wellbeing and that of their family members.

United Nations Guidance Note on Addressing and Countering COVID-19 related Hate Speech | 11 May

8 may

UN supports routine – yet vital – health services while fighting COVID-19

As COVID-19 disrupts the response to a whole host of preventable diseases, such as measles and malaria, the United Nations is working to ensure that essential health services remain accessible during the pandemic.

Analyses from the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak in West Africa indicate that more people died from measles, malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis due to health system failures than from Ebola, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) report, which highlighted the urgent need to maintain essential health services while simultaneously fighting COVID-19.

17 april

COVID-19 responses must be built on human solidarity, ILO tells World Bank/IMF | 17 April 2020 

“In submissions to the Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank the ILO Director-General has laid out a four-pillar plan of policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis, that are human-centered and built on global solidarity.” 

16 april

Interventions to support enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery | International Labour Organization (ILO)

“International cooperation and technical assistance will be essential to help countries recover from the economic downturn as quickly as possible and minimize human suffering. “

14 april



“Within this context, UNWTO has stressed the importance of international dialogue and cooperation. This shared challenge also presents the global community, including the tourism sector, to work more closely together and show that solidarity can go beyond national borders.” 

12 april

Considerations for employment-intensive works in response to COVID-19 | International Labour Organization (ILO)

april - december


The Global Humanitarian Response Plan is a joint and collective effort among all stakeholders, facilitated at global level by OCHA.”

“The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) under the leadership of the Emergency Relief Coordinator, will oversee the global-level coordination and will liaise with other stakeholders, such as the UN Crisis Management Team, as needed.”“

6 april

The COVID-19 Crisis: Accentuating the Need to Bridge Digital Divides | UNCTAD “Multilateralism is vital in a World facing critical development challenges”​


Port Responsiveness in the fight against the “invisible” threat: COVID-19 | UNCTAD


In the current unprecedented times of a global threat posed by a coronavirus pandemic that has triggered dire consequences for whole societies and nations, the maritime industry is playing an essential role in the response. Around 80% of global trade is transported by commercial shipping. This includes currently most-needed items such as vital medical supplies and equipment, as well as food, energy, raw materials and manufactured goods and components. These are essential for addressing people’s basic needs and for preserving many jobs in manufacturing, maintaining international trade and, in the end, sustaining the global economy.

In view of this, it is important to keep supply chains open and to allow maritime trade to continue. This requires that the world’s ports remain open for ship calls and that ship crews’ changeover is allowed. Further, in these challenging times, some additional measures should be undertaken to protect the staff working in port communities and to ensure continuity of ports’ operations. 

31 march

SHARED RESPONSIBILITY, GLOBAL SOLIDARITY: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 | 


UN launches COVID-19 plan that could ‘defeat the virus and build a better world’ | 31. March

"The recovery from the COVID-19 crisis must lead to a different economy" | 31 March


The magnitude of the response must match the scale of the crisis -- large-scale, coordinated and comprehensive, with the country and international responses being guided by the World Health Organization.

And it must be multilateral, with countries showing solidarity to the most vulnerable communities and nations.
The message of the report we are issuing today is clear: shared responsibility and global solidarity in response to the impacts of COVID-19.

31 march

UN launches COVID-19 plan that could ‘defeat the virus and build a better world’

31 march

"The recovery from the COVID-19 crisis must lead to a different economy"

The magnitude of the response must match the scale of the crisis -- large-scale, coordinated and comprehensive, with country and international responses being guided by the World Health Organization.

And it must be multilateral, with countries showing solidarity to the most vulnerable communities and nations.

The message of the report we are issuing today is clear: shared responsibility and global solidarity in response to the impacts of COVID-19.

30 march

The Secretary-General’s UN Response and Recovery Fund


“A coherent UN System response - linking global vision to country action - channeled through a common financing mechanism and built on specific UN Agency mandates, operational strengths, programmatic offers and existing procedures” 

23 march

ILO Standards and COVID-19 | International Labour Organization (ILO) 

Key provisions of international labour standards relevant to the evolving COVID19 outbreak ​

13 march

Secretary-General:  Statement By António Guterres on COVID-19: We will come through this together


ANTÓNIO GUTERRES presented 14 statements since the beginning of this Global Health Crisis. In his first statement, on the 13th of March, he highlighted three main principles that the International Society should endorse: Prudence, Science, and Facts avoiding panic, stigma, and fear. Moreover, Mr. GUTERRES called attention to the vulnerable entities who are the most affected because of this Global Health Crisis namely, elderly, people who are on pre-existing medical conditions, individuals who do not have access to reliable health care, and who live in poverty. He adopted a language of solidarity illustrated by mobilizing all the world against one enemy, COVID-19. Furthermore, he argued that States should act together facing this unusual situation in order to “revitalize economies, expand public investment, boost trade, and support vulnerable entities.” “We are facing a health threat unlike any other in our lifetimes."  

11 march



“Key Principles: The importance of international cooperation and responsible leadership at this critical time, + The solidarity of the tourism sector and of individual tourists, as well as the responsibility both have for helping minimize the spread and impact of COVID-19 + The key role tourism can play in both containing the COVID-19 outbreak and in leading future response efforts

Global Arena Research Institute launches the "Beyond" Initiative 

The global COVID-19 emergency emphasizes local and nation-based responses and national

collectivism in general. In the short term, it is understandable. The multilateral institutions (including the EU) were not devised with such a scenario in mind.

However, in the long run, going national and going local is not the way forward. Nation-states cannot win the fight against COVID-19 (or similar threats in the future) by themselves. Moreover, there is a mounting risk that such a nationalist bias will endure and last beyond the COVID-19 crisis.

GARI believes, instead, that it is imperative to look "beyond" the local and national horizons

As of today, GARI launches the initiative "Beyond" to stress this point. We are starting by tracking and highlighting global, multilateral and EU-related measures to tackle COVID-19 and its consequences. We believe that the COVID-19 coverage in the (social) media favours reporting on national measures and national policies and politics, thus further prompts nationalism as such. 

Our subsequent goal is to follow on implementation and impact of these measures in a coherent and continuous manner.

Any suggestions, inputs or comments welcome (via FB messenger, LinkedIn or email  

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